School Activities

Sunshine Meadows:

At Sunshine Meadows we aim to foster lifelong learners in our children through activities that awaken their spirit and imagination and encourage early habits of observation, curiosity & exploration in them.

  • Music — Developing an appreciation towards various genres of music.
  • Art and Craft — Exploring their imagination through painting & drawing.
  • Indoor Play — Taking delight in crawling through tunnels & riding tricycles & racing cars.
  • Board Games — Playing & relaxing in a refreshing ambience.
  • Multi Media — Exploring a whole new world of imagination with visual aids.
  • Auditorium — Boosting their self-confidence with on-stage performances.
  • Dance — Instilling a love for dance with rhythm & music.
  • Martial Arts — Learning life building skills such as self-confidence, respect and discipline.
  • Story Time — Indulging in fun-filled story telling sessions and building new vocabulary.

OUTDOOR PLAY AREA: We make the children indulge in different games & physical activities with an appreciation of nature and the feel of seasonal changes occurring around them.

Water Play : A child friendly splash pool is the most refreshing activity in summers. Children indulge in merry making through water play.

Sand Play : Sand play is a reconstructive activity where in the children make sandcastles, play with miniature shovels and buckets to move the sand around, which gives them boundless joy.

Joy Rides : Our range of joy rides include swings, see-saw, play stations, climbers & spiral slides which develops our children gross motor skills. The children love the excitement of flying through these joy rides.

Play Ground : The kids run around, play group games, hop around & enjoy the chirping of birds which lets them have a rejuvenating experience.

OTHER ACTIVITIES : Since Children learn best through direct experiences, we encourage them to be active participants in their educational experience. Letting children explore their environment and express themselves using various media of expression is a cornorstone of the Sunshine Meadows experience.

Parental Involvement : As a child spends proportionaly more time at home than at school. We consider it really important to involve the parents in child's education process. We are always open to new ideas & ensure that parents are kept fully informed about events in school and the progress of their child on parent teacher meet held every quarter.

Fun Time : The endless smiles can be seen on children's face when they get to indulge in a puppet show, magic show, potter's wheel, plant saplings etc. On a regular basis we organize field trips to botanical gardens, amusement parks & camps. It offers a delightful break to the children and teachers them to value and care for their environment.

Celebrations: With us children don't just celebrate festivals they become a part of them. We celebrate various festivals to help chilren show their gratitude towards their family & the nation and imbibe the appreciation of our diverse & rich culture.

Functions : Performances definately boosts a child's self confidence and has a life long bearing. Children enthusiastically participate on Sunshiner's rhyme day, annual sports day and graduation day organised in school.

Sunshiner's Day : Praise is a magic wand which can do wonders to a child's personality. Each child is encourged and applauded by awarding appreciation & commendation certificates for various skills, talents & performances. Encouragement makes children proud of ther achivements, giving rise to a holistic growth and development.